Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

popliteal vein (pair)

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Top level cardiovascular system Short Extended
Level 2 venous system Short Extended
Level 3 veins of lower limb (pair) Short Extended
Current level popliteal vein (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
44327 4804 tax
popliteal vein (pair)
vena poplitea (par)
70923 4805 tax
sural veins (pair)
venae surales (par)
# sural vein
# vena suralis
327608 15817 tax
soleal veins (pair)
venae soleales (par)
327086 15818 tax
gastrocnemius veins (pair)
venae gastrocnemiae (par)
15819 tax
medial gastrocnemius veins (pair)
venae gastrocnemiae mediales (par)
15820 tax
lateral gastrocnemius veins (pair)
venae gastrocnemiae laterales (par)
15821 tax
intergemellar vein (pair)
vena intergemellaris (par)
44559 4806 tax
genicular venous plexus (pair)
plexus venosus genicularis (par)
44331 4807 tax
anterior tibial veins (pair)
venae tibiales anteriores (par)
44332 4808 tax
posterior tibial veins (pair)
venae tibiales posteriores (par)
44558 4809 tax
fibular veins (pair) ; peroneal veins (pair)
venae fibulares (par) ; venae peroneae (par)
15825 tax
medial plantar vein (pair)
vena plantaris medialis (par)
15824 tax
lateral plantar vein (pair)
vena plantaris lateralis (par)
44489 15826 tax
deep plantar venous arch (pair)
arcus venosus plantaris profundus (par)
15827 tax
deep plantar metatarsal veins (pair)
venae metatarsales plantares profundae (par)
# deep plantar metatarsal vein
# vena metatarsalis plantaris profunda
15829 tax
medial deep plantar digital vein (pair)
vena digitalis plantaris profunda medialis (par)
15836 tax
lateral deep plantar digital vein (pair)
vena digitalis plantaris profunda lateralis (par)
44537 15832 tax
first deep plantar metatarsal vein (pair)
vena metatarsalis plantaris profunda prima (par)
44538 15833 tax
second deep plantar metatarsal vein (pair)
vena metatarsalis plantaris profunda secunda (par)
44539 15834 tax
third deep plantar metatarsal vein (pair)
vena metatarsalis plantaris profunda tertia (par)
44540 15835 tax
fourth deep plantar metatarsal vein (pair)
vena metatarsalis plantaris profunda quarta (par)
15828 tax
deep dorsal metatarsal veins (pair)
venae metatarsales dorsales profundae (par)
# deep dorsal metatarsal vein
# vena metatarsalis dorsalis profunda
15830 tax
medial deep dorsal digital vein (pair)
vena digitalis dorsalis profunda medialis (par)
15837 tax
lateral deep dorsal digital vein (pair)
vena digitalis dorsalis profunda lateralis (par)
dorsal veins of foot (pair)
venae dorsales pedis (par)
28 lines
60.7 %
60.7 %
27 partial items
51 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The sural veins comprise soleal, gastrocnemius and intergemellar veins (Caggiati et al. 2002 J Vasc Surg 36:416-422; Kachlik et al. 2012 Phlebology 27:48-58).
At the knee, veins are arranged in a complex plexus of interconnecting veins (Caggiati et al. 2002 J Vasc Surg 36:416-422; Kachlik et al. 2012 Phlebology 27:48-58).
The deeper veins of the foot, accompanying the deeper arteries, are listed (Caggiati et al. 2002 J Vasc Surg 36:416-422; Kachlik et al. 2012 Phlebology 27:48-58).
The intergemellar vein ascends between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle (Kachlik et al. 2012 Phlebology 27:48-58).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 4804
Number of children 50 (validated)
Number of units 17 (validated)
Signature 1024 (validated since 21.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025